Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Voices from the Pews: Changing churches - Panacea or Problem? (Heb 10:19-25)

Snippet of Sermon by Prof Lionel Lee:
This sermon is not going to be it critique of mega churches which have developed very successful congregations and worship services. I wish to speak out against consumerism trends of choosing churches and prevailing preferences of the minds... Reach reported that one out of 7 adults change churches. 1 out of 6 go on a rotation, participate generation x service and go to another church for Sunday school. Churches are like consumer products for people like selecting which church has my favorite styles, which speaker makes me feel good, which church have child care, nursery rooms etc. Many Christians making an important life choice based on these attractions instead of genuine ministry and growth factors.

What happened to the quality of the church the bible speaks of? What of the koinonia (Greek word) that is translated "church or congregation"? We used to look at our church relations the way we viewed commitment: life long membership, faithfulness. Unknowingly the value of the church has dropped from such lofty ideals. These modern trends are difficult to overcome as it hits society.

We need to introduce the concept of koinonia back into our vocabulary, communion or community, inter-participation with each other where people share many things in common. Someone shared this, "In this very modern individualistic society, you can share when you have nothing. It becomes difficult to share when we have everything." The bible still describes the church as a living body, working together to glorify god. Koinonia a sharing people, an engaged, totally committed not afraid to live lives of interdependence with each other. People who are not afraid to share joys and pains, common interest and goal, giving to each other and giving for others within and without.
What can Charis Methodist do about this trend of people deciding about churches in a consumeristic way? I would like to suggest by enhancing the koinonia spirit of the church. There are 3 ways where this spirit can be exemplified. We need to rebuild the community strength, support, service. Heb 10: let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess because he who promise is faithful.... Consider how to spur one another to love and good deeds.
1. V 22 Community strength: Link up to God. Does it strengthen your relationship with God? Sin has placed a no entry sign into this holy place. our relationship is a restored relationship. The church should help strengthen that Christian relationship with God. The gift of holiness can equally attract others not just healing power, J I Packer, in his book "Rediscovering holiness" commented that what we hear mainly preached and taught these days is not holiness, but success and positive feelings, freedom of happy families. What we value in our teachers and top people behind money backed enterprises are not their holiness but their skills and gifts and resources. The restored relationship is not a switched-on and switch-off phenomenon, it's always thickening as we start. It's a relationship that grows, it's not only individualistic, but communal. Faith grows in us, the broader community. You start off but you grow in bounds because others polish you up. First let us link us to God.
2. Community support v23: look upwards to heaven: does the church support you in difficult times? Does the church strengthen your relationship with God, support you in difficult times? These difficulties often swerve off course in our lives... Of course, it is easy to think of giving up when you have received a heartache or an unkind word from the pulpit. Life was never meant to be easy, our faithfulness and the promise of blessings from Christ do not shelter us from the hard knocks of life. 1 Peter 4 to expect suffering not just health and wealth. Rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. Remember those early days when you have received the light, you've endured.... Sometimes you're publicly exposed to insult, you stood side by side with those who were so suffering . It is difficult to suffer alone. When we suffer, God offers us his loving presence and when we allow him to walk with us, suffering is redemptive, it changes us, it helps us become more holy. He uses them to make us like him and gives depth and brings new life in us. Th church is not about the quality of worship or programs, it is about the people the community spirit, all the people inside. I have every confidence that as and when I should be in trouble, the people here in Charis MC will drop everything in order that they may come out and help me. Such support structures take a very long time to build. It will be foolish to throw it all up so that I can hear good sermons and enjoy wonderful singing.

3. Community service v25 does the church engage you? How do we treat coming to church? We do the "me" thing in church just like the way we would head for a petrol station. We come into the church and refill our spiritual tank then we leave. We go at it as a largely individual activity, we move on. Many of prefer to read emails than hear each other through the telephone because we don't want to know someone else's emotions behind the words. We are increasingly isolated in this mordern world. Many of us enjoy the impersonalism of a big church, we don't want to be known. We simply disappear in the crowd and it works for us because closeness brings us the danger of hurting each other and ourselves. But koinonia forces us to break down barriers to become vulnerable to each other by our active interaction with each other. In Koinonia, we need to learn to mend broken relationships. There is yet more, that the people not only connect but that they may spur each other to good deeds. v 24 Methodist history relates how slavery came to be abolished. It was through men like Wilberforce and Lincoln, men with the koinonia spirit, introducing the new social conscience that corrected many injustices in their society.
When you stay in the Methodist Church, you are part of a larger heritage. Today, this vision continues in the Methodist church through MWS and MMS. There ain't no perfect church in town, the church is a building still under construction and most building stay under construction until the last stage. It looks dirty and dusty all the time. But the complete project is going to be different.

There's a church in Barcelona, Spain, the Sangrada Familia, (Church of the Holy Family) which has not been completed. And when asked what's taking them so long, the reply was, "The patron of this project is not in a hurry! " Our imperfections should be recognized and accepted. Instead of finding the perfect church, let's patient to wait upon the Lord - He's not done with us yet!

Reflection Questions:
1. What can you say to a young person in Charis MC who is contemplating leaving for a mega church?
2. What can you do to build the Koinonia spirit in Charis MC?
3. How can you live with the imperfections of the church without losing God's vision of that beautiful bride that he will welcome at the last day?

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