Monday, June 4, 2012

God's Grace & Love (Luke 15:1-7)

Snippet of Sermon by Mr Daren Lee

Over time it is easy for us to lose the sense of awe of the God who has saved us. The "sting" that grips our heart becomes faint with time.

Background: The Tax-collectors were much hated for they were the ones who chose to sell out their own people by collecting taxes for the Roman rulers. Aside from that, they would add on extra taxes to line their own pockets. The Pharisees did not like it that Jesus associated himself with them. They were longing for the coming of the kingdom of God and was trying to bring it about soonest possible by keeping as pure as possible. But here was Jesus delaying the coming of the Kingdom by associating with sinners.

Jesus told 3 stories in succession to illustrate God's way of overcoming sin in this world: it is not about destroying sinners but redeeming sinners. God's way is to show mercy on the sinner and in redeeming the sinner, bring an end to sin.
Story: A teenager in Michigan was very upset with her parents as they saw her putting on the nose-ring, the super short skirt etc.. She decided to leave for detroit. There she met a boss with a big car. To the boss, the young teenager was a jewel as men would pay a good premium for her. She was feeling great for the first few weeks then she fell sick. The boss she was in love with threw her out without a cent. To provide for her drug habit, she lived as a woman of the world. But one night, she thought about home and decided to call home but three times, it was answered by an answering machine. However in the last attempt, she left a message: "Wondering if I can come home. I will get home by midnight if you'll not there at the bus terminal, I will understand." As she journeyed on that 7-hour bus ride, she rehearsed the many possible scenarios that would greet her and when the bus paused for 15 minutes, she kept asking herself, "Should I get off now? or should I move on?" When the bus finally hit the bus terminal, she saw a big sign, "WELCOME HOME" and there was a crowd of cousins, grandparents and her dad right in the middle. There as she was about to say her prepared speech, her father whispered, "hush, we have no time for apologies, there is a big party waiting for you at home. " There must also have been a party in heaven rejoicing at the return of this child. This story illustrates the father heart of God.

Daren then gave his testimony of having one of the greatest Chinese teacher in his secondary school days. How she continued teaching them despite being pregnant and a difficult one at that. She read them a terrible essay after which the class roared, proud of the poor chinese standard of their class but he could see in the teacher's eyes, the disappointment at being treated like a joke for her dedication. This is the type of love that God has for us.
  1. To those who have not found this love, open your heart to this Savior. The Lord is a gentle savior he never barges in but always knocks.
  2. To those who have been Christians for a long time, as we partake of the Holy Communion let us remember the great love of God and what he has done for us. Invite him to renew our hearts. 

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