Saturday, December 22, 2012


Sermon Snippet by Rev (Dr) Andrew Peh


What is happening in the world today is in stark contrast with the sterile and sleak images on our Christmas cards and decorations. Isaiah 34 should be read parallel with Isaiah 35.  In these passages judgement was prophesied against nations like Edom, a model of those who oppose God. Isaiah shares with us that the transformation of natures and the break from evil and demonic control over all humanity will come.


From the beginning of ch 35, we are told that the splendour of Carmel and the glory of Lebanon would be outstripped by the glory of God himself. Those who are fearful are encouraged to be strong and not be afraid because the blind will see and the dumb will sing. It is no wonder that Luke wrote in 4:18-19 that the redeemed will rejoice for God will undo what is wrong and all heaven and nature will sing.

How is that relevant today? We are into the third week of Advent and the overarching theme is joy, that’s why the candle is pink instead of purple like the rest. God will not abandon his people. He will come and save us. He will create this holy highway so that his people can return to praise the Lord. All the sighing and sorrowing will flee away (v10).  The righteous will process with outbursts of song and happiness as they walk towards the holy hill. On holy communion Sunday that what’s the choir does processing down the aisle, coming boldly proclaiming in song and prayers. ON this highway, are people in full confidence of the work of God. Their sorrow and sighing will flee away regardless how dark and dreary things have been. He extends this highway into every part of society.

How can we live out this joy? We share this joy by demonstrating compassion to those who suffer. There is an intrinsic difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is fleeting, it is here now but gone the next. Joy, on the other hand, has greater substance because it is rooted in the assurance that nobody can take away the “shalom” way from us. Joy is knowing that God will come and save us. We will not always be happy but we will certainly be joyful. In God’s scheme of things, there is reunion and he delivers us from death an destruction. This is the fulfilment that he will come and save us.

Personal testimony of celebrating Christmas in 2009 with his dad in hospital. His father was diagnosed with advanced and terminal liver cancer and he went home to be with the Lord in April of the following year. Since then, it has been Christmas without his father. Yet he is able to live Christmas with joy because God has saved his father and brought him where there is another opportunity to meet again. So despite the difficulties and despair that the world hurl at us, we have the promise of the faithful God. This Christmas, he has been posting a new song everyday on his facebook page to rejoice with all his FB friends that we need and must sing proclaiming that God has come to save us in Christ and will come again soon. He then had the 11th countdown Christmas song that he intended to post in facebook played, “Merry Christmas with Love.”Sandi Patti "Merry Christmas with Love"

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