Thursday, December 13, 2012





After believing in Jesus for so many years, don’t we all long for the day when the people around us will finally come to accept that only our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the true God? We all have our fair share of sharing with our friends and loved ones and there will be a substantial number of them who have spoken up when we share the gospel that, “hey, I am a follower of faith X and my beliefs are as true and valid as yours. Leave me alone.” But in our text today, we are brought to think that one day, all their protestations, rationalizations will cease and they will join us on this pilgrimage to seek God and Him alone. Isn’t that a day to look forward to when we have the pleasure of telling them, “I told you so”? 

What is interesting to note is that there is an exact repeat of these verses that can be found in Micah 4:1-5.

Historical context

If the words of Micah 4:1-5 and Isaiah 2:1-5 belong to their respective namesakes, then they can both be dated to the reign of Hezekiah near the time of Sennacherib’s siege of Jerusalem in 701 B.C. The setting and its eventual outcome are described in 2 Kings 18-19 and 2 Chronicles 32:1-23. These prophecies were most likely given to God’s people in Jerusalem, who were being threatened by the surrounding Assyrian army, in order to give them hope that they would not suffer the same fate as their northern relatives had, with the fall of Israel in 722 B.C.


·       the lifting up of Zion: the universal recognition and worship of YHWH: The prophets continue by saying that in this future time the mountain of YHWH’s house (i.e. Mt. Zion/Moriah, the place of the temple) will be lifted up and established as the ראש rosh (highest/top/chief) of the mountains.  Based on Zec. 14:9, some take this to mean that seismic activity will cause a drastic uplifting of the city of Jerusalem at the second coming of Christ.  While this may be the case, the primary significance lies in the Canaanite symbolism of mountain temples.  Israel’s pagan neighbors associated mountain temple with their deities.  The gods were seen as dwelling in these high sanctuaries—the higher the mountain or hill, the more powerful and prominent the god who is worshipped there. What is being predicted by Micah and Isaiah is that in the future, YHWH would be known worldwide as the true God who rules all of creation.  We don’t have to argue with or persuade doubters because that recognition of Christ will fall upon every one.

·       and the universal pilgrimage (of the nations): Because of such recognition, people from all over the earth will journey to YHWH’s temple (either literal or figurative; see comments below).  So great is this pilgrimage that it is described as a river of people paradoxically ‘flowing’ uphill (נהר–nahar  ‘and they will stream/flow’). What way does water flow? (Downhill.) Have you ever seen water flow uphill? This is a picture of an uphill flow.

·       The universal thirst not just to hear but do God’s Word: We are now allowed to hear why everyone is flowing to the temple; the imperative followed by cohortative “וְנַעֲלֶה לְכוּ”. is a common reference to religious pilgrimage (Gen. 35:3, Jer. 31:6, Zec. 14:16-19).  They are travelling upwards towards God in order to learn from his ways.  The call to pilgrimage is paralleled by the cohortative “בְּאֹרְחֹתָיו וְנֵלְכָה” which reveals that the nations further desire to travel there in YHWH’s caravans[1] (בְּאֹרְחֹתָי 'orach) When the nations finally realize that YHWH is the one true God and decide to go up to his mountain, they decide to do so in his caravans rather than the ones they normally travel in because they know that the only way to walk in security is to walk with YHWH. The benefit that the pilgrims seek is תורה towrah (teaching/instruction), which is further clarified as דְבַר־יְהוָה (the word of YHWH), that יצא yatsa'  (will go out) from Zion.   

·       Universal (worldwide) peace & disarmament : In addition to seeking general wisdom about life, the nations will come to God so he can judge them. They will take their disputes to God to settle them. How do most people settle disputes? Guns? Knives? Fists? Not on this holy mountain. Upon the arrival of the many peoples, the numerous distant nations/mountain, they will receive an audience with the judge of all the universe and he will arbitrate for them and settle any differences among them.  This is further illustrated by the fact that they would completely disarm themselves. Instead, the nations of the earth will be able to put their tools to use in agriculture and caring for their needs.   


But from the picture today to the picture described here, is the transition supposed to be a quantum leap from chaos, hostility, injustice to order, harmony and peace? When will this happen. How will it happen? Is it just a “Pie in the sky”?  

While prophet Micah used similar words in his message in Micah 4, the verses following the parts that are similar tells us that his message is a call for both endurance and hope. But Isaiah used this prophecy in a different way. He was using this message to stir his audience to a HOLY JEALOUSY, calling them to repentance and return to faithful worship of YHWH.

In view of the future obedience of the nations to the true God, what are you doing NOT CHOOSING to be FIRMLY on the WINNING SIDE? Sometimes as a kid, when the recess came and the teams for kickball were beginning to get chosen, you knew just which team was going to win. You knew from the first few kids that were picked, just how awesome one of the teams was going to be, and you wanted to be on that team too. We like to be on the winning team. Well, you don’t have to wonder about who wins at the end of the world. We already have seen the ending. We know who wins. Don’t you want to be on His side starting now?

·       The nations are not yet coming to the church to be taught by the Lord, but we the new Israel, the people of God, already has His word.  It is unthinkable then that we should continue to walk in darkness.  Goldingay adds: “If Yahweh is committed to achieving a purpose whereby the nations let their lives be shaped by Yahweh’s teaching, the least Israel can do is let that teaching shape their own lives now”. Are we letting the teachings of God illuminate our lives? Or are we seeking out worldly persons for wisdom (Warren Buffet[2]) to live our lives? These are lights made by humans.  Don’t be deceived into thinking that you can play around with Satan and the world now, and then switch sides when the end comes. You’re either for Jesus or against Him. In the prophecy, it appears as though the people had suddenly found the true light out of their darkened existence and with no hesitation, they have gathered like ants who have discovered a lump of sugar. You will see them marching in larger and larger numbers. The food source was no mirage and so the steady stream of ants coming at it. Has Charis MC been aglow with the true light of Christ? Have we been able to gather around the community a steady and growing stream of people seeking out the truth and the wisdom of God? Persons with darkened lives are always looking desperately for a glimmer of light that can point the way out. If we have not witnessed this… why is that so?


  • Is it because we have no confidence that what we have is “IT”? Some of us continue to waver over saying this truth: “For there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) We seek out the gurus in our world more than we seek the Word of God. 

NEW YORK | Mon Jun 6, 2011 1:13pm EDT
NEW YORK (Reuters)
Double-dip recession or not, people will still pay any price to have lunch with Warren Buffett.
The annual charity auction for lunch with the legendary 80-year-old investor began on Sunday night, and by midday on Monday, bids already topped $2 million. The six bids placed thus far have come from two anonymous bidders.
Last year's winner paid $2.63 million for the right to dine with Buffett at the Manhattan steakhouse Smith & Wollensky. The price nearly tripled on the last day, as nine qualified bidders made 77 bids.
Looking into the fb of a fellow believer, I find that she checks the online Tarot cards daily for directions for living. Instead of the Bible, the pictures on the Tarot cards decide her response for the day and week.

Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is no mirage. Take hold of the precious wisdom that comes from the word of God. Before you turn to another guru, open your Bibles and know the Will of God.  
  • Is it because we don’t live lighted up lives consistently? While preparing for the class last week to share with parents how they may prepare their children for participation in the Holy Communion, I came across one author who puts it like this, “If a child doesn’t behave at home most of the time, don’t expect that in the pews.” The child is not suddenly going to turn into an angel at the pews. In like manner, if we have not lived the truth of God’s word on a daily basis, how is it possible for us to be attracting people to its truths? If we have not discovered in them, the divine sustenance that satisfies, how is it possible to attract spiritually hungry people? The occasional display and bursts of enlightenment do not fool our loved ones and our friends… they also know when we have not found the light of Christ. How would they know? When we continue to be persons that do not promote peace, we enjoy fighting and inventing new ways to engage in conflict externally and internally.


As you prepare for Holy Communion, ponder the question,
  1. How am I letting God’s teachings shape my own life?
  2. Which side am I on?
God wants to teach us his ways that we may walk in his paths. Don’t simply hope that your family member, your loved ones, your friends will be part of that stream swelling up to seek the Lord, let them make that decision early because they saw what the light of Christ has done for you… how God’s truth has brought a serenity that has overcome that inner conflicts within, a serenity that is evident in peacemaking. Don’t wait for some future time. There is no better time to get closer to the Lord than now. Walk in the light!

[1] Though the vast majority of the time it means ‘paths’ or ‘ways’, in the context of pilgrimage and travel, ‘caravans’ seems as good a choice as paths and serves to bring out an important
nuance.  Merchants and travelers journeyed in caravans in the ancient near east primarily
for safety and security through uncertain or dangerous areas.
[2] By Guy Spier on Lunch with Buffett, “It was worth every dime. Buffett is the most successful investor in history, yet he has reached that pinnacle while also being supremely ethical. As remarkable for his philanthropy as for his stock-picking, he's giving the bulk of his billions to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; likewise, the fee for our lunch would go to the Glide Foundation, which helps the poor and homeless. Lunch with Buffett, we figured, would be a good way to give to charity, but it would also be the ultimate capitalist master class — a chance to see up close what makes the Sage of Omaha tick and to learn from his wisdom… What better role model could you ask for than this? And how do you put a price on the opportunity to spend nearly three hours in his company?

Read more:,8599,1819293,00.html#ixzz2DlHctVrq

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