Monday, May 16, 2011


Sermon by Dr Ong Siow Heng

  1. Unusual hours and Long hours of Work: always under time pressure
  2. The Transition between Work and Family (personal time and space) doesn't happen anymore because work intrudes into our personal space. At work we are competitive, we have bottomlines to meet which brings out the worst in us and yet when we hit home, we are to be supportive, nurturing, helpful.
There is no place int he Bible where God promises us Job Satisfaction. He promises though that joy can be found in Him. If you do find job satisfaction, that is a bonus.

  1. V 7-10 : God is always on our side even through the hard times. The hard times are meant to train us in perseverance. V 12 : However bad the intentions of others in the workplace, it is but a shadow and can cause us to be paralyzed by fear. But God promises us that He has triumphed over evil. He has the big picture of that is going on at the workplace.
  2. V16 : God knows our past, present and future. God promises us that He knows the big picture, while we worry and fret, God invites us to take comfort that He has everything in His hands.
  3. V 1-6 : God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. God forgives and God forgets by choice.  Isaiah 43:25; 1 John 1:9.
We are part of the walking wounded: people who have suffered from the envy, the greed of others, the strife in the workplace. How may we respond?
  1. Take comfort that the God who has triumphed over evil walks by our side daily.
  2. Take comfort that He has the big picture and he knows all that is happening.
  3. Remember the graciousness of God who forgives and forgets and imitate His graciousness to those who victimize us at the workplace.
  1. Name the evil that surrounds you at the workplace. How do you also contribute to the evil in the working environment? Am I a perpetrator of evil or a victim of evil?
  2. How can we be conscious of the presence of God who walks with us daily at work? E.g. start the day with prayer and meditation... etc.
  3. Who are some people that you know God invites you to forgive? and also to forget with His help?

Footprints in the sand

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Pastor! Do you mind posting last week's (Mother's Day) as well? Most of us miss it and would be great if audio messages were available again on Charis website. Thank u again!
