Posted on 11 Sep 2011 Kiasu mums now tag along on dates and even follow kids to parties.
This is some mothers’ attempt to keep watch, to be around, to be available, to guide. Biblical values such as
1. Virginity until marriage
2. celibacy in the single life
3. faithfulness during marriage
We want to affirm that the biblical standards of morality are universal and timeless. They are applicable to all generations, to all societies, and to all subcultures. They apply to New York, Los Angeles, Singapore, and your community just as much as they applied to biblical Corinth and Rome.
Our text takes us to the time of the exile in the life of Israel. It has been twelve years since the reformation under Ezra, and the coming of Nehemiah. It brings us to the continuation of the work commenced by Zerubbabel in the matter of the rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem. It is intensely interesting, because in large measure it is autobiographical. Nehemiah tells his own story, with a freshness, and a vigour and transparent honesty which are full of charm. He had news about Jerusalem and was burdened by the thought of the ruins lying where exiles were beginning to make home. He carried his burden in prayer and the Lord answered him by opening a door of opportunity to go and complete the defense for the returning exiles.
Nehemiah and his men are engaged in a serious work. In fact, the future of Jerusalem and of Israel itself depends on the successful completion of their project. As they labor, they provide a valuable illustration for the church that must stand fast to God’s calling to be a holy people, a people belonging to God to declare …. Into his marvellous light.
If only that were true of the church. Carroll, Web Editor for Juicy Magazine, offered the following comments when interviewed for this article, "Christian is just a title. The belief system, morals, values, and responsibility that come with that title isn't always practiced the way it is taught. Religion doesn't stop "Christians" or anyone else from answering to their flesh, it a real deal relationship with whatever higher power you answer to, that weighs in on the decisions people make." “Christians do not have a special immunity to these lusts and temptations.” We know Christians who were the ones to have caused breakdowns in their marriages and that of others… Rev. Michael Robinson, M.S. a News Journalist and Christian Relationship Counselor made these observations: “When church members and pastors commit adultery (e.g., sex with a partner, other than one’s spouse) and fornication (e.g., sex before marriage) – sexual immorality - this inappropriate behavior violates and erodes the spiritual faith and trust that people fervently want to ascribe to the Christian church body. Once people lose trust in the church body and God, valuable spiritual capital is squandered. The anathematic behavior of sexual immorality can create chaos, confusion, infidelity and hedonism within a church congregation.”[1] But worse still, the light on the hill (Our witness) is compromised, it’s darkened. No one can see it like before. It is easy to go away saying, it’s just my own failure… nothing to do with the church. But we never only represent ourselves when we are in Christ.
Reflection Question
1. What have our friends and family members said when they meet with unrepentant couples, living together unmarried, cohabitating? What spiritual capital is being squandered?
Part of the brokenness in our witness is sexual immorality in the church. It needs to be attended to not just by individuals, but all of us as Nehemiah demonstrates in his task. From the mission of Nehemiah, we learn the importance of building sacred walls. Nehemiah gave the people in Jerusalem the challenge to rise up and rebuild the walls. Each family was to rebuild the wall closest to his home. Everyone was to help with wall building. From Eliashib the High Priest to the merchant, goldsmith and countrymen all were assigned a place to work. No one was too good not to work.
Nehemiah demonstrates how important it is that everyone should begin over against his own house.
Reflection Question:2. Is there a piece of ruined wall in my household, my own neighbourhood? What would it take for you to arise and repair it?
The community of faith, the community at large, need to see that it is possible to live against the flow. It is possible to stay pure as an individual, as a household. What would some of the restoration work that we need to do?
1. THE WALLS OF PRAYER: In the Bible, we read about Job and how he would pray for his children. Job 1:4-5: “4 His sons used to hold feasts in their homes on their birthdays, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them. 5 When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified. Early in the morning he would sacrifice a burnt offering for each of them, thinking, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” This was Job’s regular custom.” He was concerned that during these feasts, the children may have offended the Lord in their drunkenness… in case they sinned while they were partying. Are you worried about the young people that you have influence over? Sometimes we have lots to say to them, but we never remember to pray for them to the Lord.
2. THE WALLS OF PROTECTION: If parents work together, there is one thing they can control: the home environment. How can you improve the protection for those who are impressionable at home? Think of the forms of entertainment that you make available to your children and youths who come visiting your home? What other alternatives can you provide?
Learn from each other about the current fad/interest that captures the attention of our young people. Be that winsome adult that keeps a look-out for your neighbour’s children. You may just be the person to persuade, dissuade, successfully the child/young person who is no longer open to the counsel of his/her parents. Who can you be that winsome adult to?
3. THE WALLS OF GODLY WISDOM: For most children sex is a taboo subject about which they receive little accurate information, especially from their parents." “Parents, in [the educators’] view, have simply not done their job to protect their children, fail to affirm their sexuality, and even discuss sexuality in a context of moralizing, so we need ‘professionals’ to do it right. Parents in trying.” The answer? Instead of simple information, our programs have turned into full-blown sexual instruction for youth! It covers, in detail, sexual desire, AIDS, divorce, condoms, masturbation and much more. Yet it nearly excludes any mention of abstinence, marriage, self-control and virginity. They are actually promoting sex to children. The reasons for avoiding premarital sex have been minimized or removed. Many believe that telling children not to have sex is naïve and that we must provide any and all information to prepare them for WHEN—not if—they have sex. Sex education has been broken since its inception and—like many things in our culture—we blindly follow it, never asking any questions. But sexual instruction is one part in a system that turns an innocent young mind into a lusting sexual being.
In addition, children of varying ages are taught to be tolerant of all forms of sexual expression. Worse yet, teens and even small children are being exposed to alternative lifestyles without even parental knowledge. Under the banner of tolerance, parents have been removed from teaching their children and establishing proper morals. The seeds of tolerance and mass information have not helped children to make better—healthier—choices about their lives and futures? While this may have been the original goal, the system has been hijacked and the goals perverted.
How can the church take on this role to teach our young people and children the biblical principles regarding this aspect of life?
Let us educate them by watching over our own lives, our choices, the part that we have been assigned to build. There is so much that the church can do to demonstrate the blessedness of following God’s instructions about this part of life. A clear message from one family is nothing compared to the onslaught of immoral messages our children receive in a day. But if every home and family represented in church can sound the same message, children will learn the powerful bond that sex within marriage creates.
4. THE WALLS OF MUTUAL ENCOURAGEMENT: An officer on the battlefield aimed his cannon toward what he thought was the distant enemy. Just before he fired, the commander, looking through his field glasses, shouted, "Your aim seems perfect, but stop! They are not the enemy; they are our own people." Not all of us are wise all the time knowing what to do that will be in the best interest for our young people. It is easy to criticize this parent or that parent for it. Did you ever think that when you aim criticism at God's people so thoughtlessly, you are actually aiming your cannon at the Lord of your brethren? Rather, be empathetic, particularly to those who tries but are crestfallen when all their best efforts appear to go down the drain. Be there to encourage, be there to strengthen the weak knees and the drooping hands.
5. UTILIZE THE WEAPONRY THAT WE HAVE AT HAND TO SPEAK UP, OBJECT, MAKING KNOWN OUR CONCERN OVER PROGRAMS THAT ARE INTRODUCED COMMUNALLY. Speak up against pornography and promiscuity. Speak up for the beauty of sex as God intended. E.g. The basic instructor's guide for CSE (Comprehensive Sexuality Education) run by Aware (in the year 2009[2]) 2 years ago in our schools as part of the school curriculum to teach children about sex. Concerned parents acted to sound the alarm to protest against it as it contained lines which condoned homosexuality and stated that anal sex was 'healthy' if consensual and done with a condom. Think of the latest forum protest about a giant size advertisement plastered on a building, using almost entirely one side of the Cathay building for display.
Denis Distant Denis' Protest against Offensive Ad wrote to protest against the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore and the owners of the building who did not have the muscle or the moral will to remove the advertisement (Published on Oct 1, 2011). Some of us are purposely placed by the Lord to make decisions of this nature to guard the hearts and minds of society. What would the Lord require of you in the face of glaring indecency? CONCLUSION
Years ago, Theodore Roosevelt noted, "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with dust and sweat and blood; . . . and who, . . . if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
Where do you see yourself in this picture? Is your face marred with dust and sweat and blood for daring to come forward to do something to erect the walls and be standing tall? Are you being pelted by unfair criticism as you are serving Christ by raising alarm bells in the church community? If so, keep on going and God will reward your efforts. Or do you recognize yourself as one who tends to be critical of others? If so, it's time to quit the demolition team and join the construction crew. — Haddon W. Robinson (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved)
Let all of us come with a fresh commitment to get our hands dirty to help erect the sacred walls for our young people.
Where do you see yourself in this picture? Is your face marred with dust and sweat and blood for daring to come forward to do something to erect the walls and be standing tall? Are you being pelted by unfair criticism as you are serving Christ by raising alarm bells in the church community? If so, keep on going and God will reward your efforts. Or do you recognize yourself as one who tends to be critical of others? If so, it's time to quit the demolition team and join the construction crew. — Haddon W. Robinson (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved)
Let all of us come with a fresh commitment to get our hands dirty to help erect the sacred walls for our young people.
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