Friday, August 5, 2011


Sermon by Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li

Acts 16 carry the story of the birth of the Church at Philippi. It was no grand endeavor in the beginning. In fact it looked like a string of random incidences and events
We have much to learn about Evangelism from Paul’s first missionary journey. Some principles that we can remember and apply include:

1.      THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OUR PARTNER IN EVANGELISM: In the background the Holy Spirit is at work to guide the evangelistic thrust. It is important to pay attention to the way the Holy Spirit works to re-direct our efforts and we have to make changes to our initial plans. The plans of the first missionaries were re-drawn when the Lord forbade them to enter the chosen places. Instead, he sent them a vision requiring their attention and response. All of us like our plans to go smoothly, unhindered and we are not expecting “closed doors”. These are admittedly the hardest to take. Yet God, the strong partner, sees way beyond what we can see. The apostles stopped in their tracks knowing that God had authorized the change of direction.

2.      WE NEED EXPOSURE TO STORIES OF PEOPLE WITH GREAT NEED: God could have used events and more events to ensure that Paul and his friends followed his direction. But here, the Lord sent them a vision of a man in need crying out, “Come over and help us!” We cannot be good evangelists when we are guilt-driven, doing it out of duty. We need to hear stories that will break our hearts. This is when we know God is calling out to us.  There are many people who need individual attention, people who are willing to journey with them through the stresses of life. The call to Macedonia was not a mandate. It was delivered in the vision by a man who pleaded. That plea touched the deepest part of the apostles which made them bring the good news that way.

3.      HAVE SELF-AWARENESS REGARDING THE TYPE OF PEOPLE THAT YOU CAN ENGAGE BETTER THAN OTHERS: It was Sabbath and the apostles went outside the city to join a group of God-fearers in worship. It is highly probably that there were not enough men among them to form a synagogue.  So this group of God-fearing women met by the river. To this river, outside of the city, the apostles went, to gather them in order that they may know the good news. Each one of us is made with a certain personality and affinity to engage a certain type of people. In Philippi, the apostles went in search of people they could relate to and start good conversation. There are those who can lead taxi-drivers to Christ. Rev Chiu shared about his own inclination to sit with the people in prison and half-way houses, swapping life stories and ministering to them. Be aware of the way God has wired you to feel comfortable with certain groups of people. Make effort towards relating to them and their needs will become starting points to sharing the gospel.  Don’t be intimidated by people who are good evangelists. These people with whom you are comfortable relating form your harvest field. Allow the Holy Spirit to awaken you to the opportunities that come naturally in your relationships with them.

4.      ATTEND TO THE EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS THAT GOD BRING YOUR WAY: The Apostles had this encounter of being able to break out of prison in the passage.  The prison gate opening at the occurrence of the earthquake was in God’s scheme of things, an opportunity that God had planted in order to bring the Jailer and his family to the Lord. We often think that good things are good and bad things are “unlucky”. Instead of running away, they recognized God’s hand in the middle of all that happened.  In the same way, God is in our midst, through the best of times and the worst of times. Even though something may look so unfortunate, yet God has planned to make something beautiful out of them. Ask God to open your eyes to see the opportunities that come our way in the everyday things that happen to us.

Rev Chiu shared how a condemned prisoner found Jesus in prison. With the few months left to his hanging, he prayed daily for all that time to make a difference in the lives of others. He wrote letters to his family, fellow prisoners and was able to reach many people. The prison walls could not limit his ministry to share the good news. God used that broken life. He was a very effective evangelist because God is in the business  of making something beautiful out of our lives.


1.      When was the last time you prayed and the doors closed on you? How did you react? Did you recognize God’s instructions to change course, go another way?

2.      Are you often guilt ridden when it comes to being an evangelist for Christ? What testimonies or stories have you heard that tugged at your heart? What did you do about that stirring in your heart that God had brought about?

3.      Can you name the kinds of people that you feel comfortable talking to and swapping stories? Pray for them as they are your harvest fields.

4.      List down the good and bad events that had occurred in your life since Jan 2011. Where is God in the midst of all these? Ask God to open your eyes to see the opportunities that he has opened up in order that we may share Christ.

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