God has always been on mission:
- Gen 1-3 God unfolding his creaton
- Gen 12 Abraham: all peoples/creation will be blessed
- Moses was raised when he heard the cries of his people. All the people will be delivered, released to go and worship God.
- David was raised to tell us that the Kindgom of God has indeed come on earth. All the people will come into the sanctuary of the Lord.
- Jesus was raised: that through Jesus we may find healing for our sin and to know God's salvation.
- Peter was raised: Church of all people has a place in the Church of God for all
- Paul was raised: All may be discipled and faithful followers of Jesus Christ
- John was raised: Reconcile everyone in the presence of God.
Mark 6: The call of the 12 disciples. After their successful ministry, Jesus and his disciples headed for a quiet place. There 5000 people gathered as Jesus gave them the Word of life. At the close of the evening, Jesus told the disciples, "You give them something to eat."
Jesus knew what He was about to do. He gave them the clue that They will be the ones that will be ministering to the crowds after his ascension. The crowd was divided into groups and fed. In the same manner when Jesus gave the command in Matt 28, he says "I am with you always", as they head out to multiply disciples in the world. They were to IMMERSE them in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - drowned and grounded in God deeply and intimately. The Mission is clear, "Go and win the lost, equip the workers" they will multiply.
In the church, we are busy building believers desiring that they come to maturity. Church worshipers also look to the church "feed me" resulting in 87% of the churches concentrating 100% of their efforts in the building programs. So much so, that we fail to make them disciple makers.
The call is to go to the field. It's time to equip worshipers to respond to God. God is counting on us to fulfill and complete His mission. In the letter of Paul to the Colossians, the gospel had gone to the unknown world at that time. We need to keep the multiplication process going. God will bring in the harvest.
- The Mission is God is given to every believer. You are the one who is to make disciples, multiply believers. Have you taken this mission to heart? Have you seen yourself as being sent out to win the lost? Why or Why not?
- Does the mentality to keep receiving "feeding" something that is true of me? How has my response be to the equipping programs offered by the church?
- Think of an area of equipping that can better prepare you to be a disciple maker. Share it with pastor.
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