Snippet of Sermon by Dr Chan Yew Meng
As human beings we aspire to learn what can we learn throughout our lives but we fail to remember that increased knowledge increases pride. Since the beginning of time, human beings have refused to trust in the Lord. In Gen 11:4 is recorded for us the story of the Tower of Babel. The Tower is the climax of human pride and vanity. Such excessive ambition often causes us to develop a sense of over confidence and we begin to lose our focus on what we are doing. Illustration (taken from Carol Mann, The 19th Hole (Longmeadow), quoted in Reader’s Digest ):
Golf immortal Arnold Palmer recalls a lesson about overconfidence: It was the final hole of the 1961 Masters tournament, and I had a one-stroke lead and had just hit a very satisfying tee shot. I felt I was in pretty good shape. As I approached my ball, I saw an old friend standing at the edge of the gallery. He motioned me over, stuck out his hand and said, “Congratulations.” I took his hand and shook it, but as soon as I did, I knew I had lost my focus.
On my next two shots, I hit the ball into a sand trop, then put it over the edge of the green. I missed a putt and lost the Masters. You don’t forget a mistake like that; you just learn from it and become determined that you will never do that again. I haven’t in the 30 years since.
Edom was the target of Obadiah's message cf V 2-15; 16-21. It was located south of Judea and the Dead Sea. The struggle between Israel and Edom had a long and unpleasant history and it began very early in Rachel's womb when the ancestor of Israel and Edom were being birthed together.
Human pride is deceiving. The Lord declared that He would bring Edom's misplaced pride down from its high places. v 9 says,
“In that day,” declares the Lord, “will I not destroy the wise men of Edom, those of understanding in the mountains of Esau?" God will ensure that there will no longer be wisdom in Edom. She will not be saved.
Why did Obadiah condemn Edom? From vv11-14 - God charged them as having behaved more
like an enemy to Judah instead of a close relative. When the Babylonians attacked, quite a number of residents from Judah turned to Edom for assistance. But Edom gloated over them v 11-14 recorded how they blatantly betrayed them, looted them, murdered them and handed them over to the enemy.
In Lamentations 4:22 we hear their lament over the sins of Edom against them.
"But he will punish your sin, Daughter Edom, and expose your wickedness." Obadiah proclaimed that smug and presumptuous Edom has committed sacrilage and blasphemy in taking advantage of God's possession. She will not go unpunished. Edom never respected the sacredness of human life. She killed them and sold them, eradicating the people of God who live under God's jurisdiction.
What can we learn in times of turmoil? Faith in God is crucial. Even though the prophecy of the exile of Judah has come to pass, God is still in charge ruling over all the nations. edomitesa will find this insultig. Aaliyah inGos is indispensable. How can the Babylonians be under God's control when they treated the people of God badly? How can God be in control? In the minds of the skeptics, their relationship with God is unique. Mt Zion is being punished for her idolatry, but even during these moments of judgment, God is not severing ties with Israel.
As a brother, Edom should not have added on to Israel's misfortune. Her crime will be punished. In v 15 & 18, the Lord says, "
As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head... Esau will be stubble, and they will set him on fire and destroy him. There will be no survivors from Esau.” God will take action against the injustice experienced by Judah.
He gives Judah hope through his word of judgment. Survivors from Zion will reclaim the land and democracy will nbe conumfeqnd a chance to Edomite realize that their problems..Human wisdom brings accoitqility.... Judah will be delivered. God is still in control as they look for the future.
The Church is easily deceived by a sense of pride, accomplishment, innocent bystander wOnnocent ystnader of anudah, watch silently rlnrpn then take say do we choose the softer options of pebeing not involved in peoplels who sqlnipniißp IEord of hope to survivors,, repent fr toe kobo bspthe Curch has yone has a chance that God owillnbie wnoith rusa to play in thcommn wit ty pf god.Evr.oconosiripmo we hv heard quite a number of l
It is easy to offer only prayers or others soft options. Sometimes we can do more. But it will require us to delve into the mire and uncover what is needful to uphold justice. How do we respond to the Preacher's observation in Ecclesiastes 3:16,
"And I saw something else under the sun: In the place of judgment—wickedness was there, in the place of justice—wickedness was there." ? Ecclesiastes seeking justice and speaking up we need to know what justice is. justice can be quite complicated.

1. Former South Korean President Roh Moo-Hyun committed suicide in May 2009 by leaping to his death from a hill behind his house, the government announced.Korean former president took a bribe of 6 million dollars had committed suicide. The news of Mr. Roh’s death came as a shock to the nation, which, unlike Japan, does not have a strong history of political leaders and other notables committing suicide to take responsibility for real or alleged offenses.
On Saturday, villagers from Bongha paid tribute to Mr. Roh, lining up along a road, crying, as his coffin passed by. By evening, hundreds of mourners and supporters had converged in downtown Seoul, laying long-stemmed white chrysanthemums at a makeshift altar.
However, Roh's suicide resulted in a
sudden positive shift in domestic perception towards the late President, leading one critical professor to comment, "How could he
become an instant saint upon his suicide?"[100] Such shifting perception once again left his successor, President Lee Myung-bak, vulnerable to criticism. Perceptions of an excessive investigation on Roh's alleged improprieties boosted support for the opposition Party (itself formed when Roh's then unpopularity made it a liability to be associated with him), giving them enough leverage to demand that President Lee Myung-bak apologize for the "politically motivated" investigation they claimed caused Roh's death, and discipline those responsible.
What happened to the injustice that was suffered by those whom he acknowledged in his suicide note? It was all drowned in the midst of that national reaction to his suicide.
2. Hong Kong students and parents, with popular participation, are conducting nightly peaceful protests in front of the Legislative Council. They are protesting the national education curriculum put forward by the government, which many charge with being an attempt to brainwash the young.
The Hong Kong Federation of Students are planning a strike, facilitated by the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
There is an array of protesters, from those conducting hunger strikes to those who come by after office hours to join the discourse. Prominent figures, including some lawmakers themselves, speak nightly in front of gathered crowds, who peacefully convene in large numbers.
The protests are focused squarely on the national education debate, with the crowds asking the government to ditch the proposed changes. Chief Executive CY Leung has so far refused.
Students protested against national and moral education, fought for their rights and future.l. Increase in the number of people to take part in elections... Young people took the lead... Minimal to cast a vote in the election..l subsequent problems, those against moral education... Failed to understand that these are 2 separate matters and complain long with the pervious issue...
We want to choose the softer options. introducing Christian ethics.. justice cannot be understood as retributive justice enforced on those who break the laws. in Christian traditional justice involves the always meant a norm for the a requirement indistinguishable to honor the image ofOd be in other people. Our justice needs to mirror God's justice. It is not just about finding the right punishment. Filed covenant the covenant of God in that way, the committed a blasphemy. S'more than that. When the church reconsider its role in the public square. We need to educate each one to understand , to respond appropriately.