Stott summarized Paul's letter to the young church at Ephesus like
this, “It portrays a new
society of Christ's making that stands out in bright relief against our
colourless world of oppression, heartache, separation and division. Paul's
letter, with its exultant vision of a renewed human community.”
I remembered that in the early years of
my Christian life, I was very much aware only of myself and that I have become
a Christian, How did I know? Well, my participation in worship, obedience and
ministry had
taken on a more serious note. Yet, on hindsight, I would say that my Christian
life then was centered around myself. It looked to me that I was living for the transcendent glories of the kingdom of
God when in fact I was but living for myself. Daily
I was bowing before the throne of self, driven by anxiety-bound needs. A
self-preoccupied Christian life: How God would meet MY needs… how God would
show ME his will… how God would save me from MY difficulties and MY fears… It
was all in earnest but that wasn’t what God had intended when he received me
into his Kingdom.
Paul reminds us, “Be aware of our tendency to start our thinking with
ourselves, our experience of God.” That’s
exactly what happened to the Jews. Because they begin thinking with themselves,
their vision about their role in God’s world became narrowed. Their vision was
not large enough or broad enough to handle all the facts about God’s covenant
with them. Consequently, they get twisted and deformed ideas about themselves
and cling on only to a partial view of the truth.
What is the truth? In the verses
that follow, we are going to list down those blessings that have become ours
because of what God has done in Jesus Christ. Notice that:
…he chose us
in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless
before him. (Ephesians 1:4 RSV) We need to go back
before the beginning of time, before the foundation of the universe, God had
been at work.
He destined us
in love to be his sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his
will, to the praise of his glorious grace which he freely bestowed on us in the
Beloved. (Ephesians 1:5-6 RSV)
PRIOR to our coming to receive Jesus, God had a plan all rolled out, to
bring Gentiles into his family. In the past, only Jews were members of his
family. He had a plan to adopt us as his sons through Jesus Christ, which we
may become members of his family, partakers of his nature.
In him we have
redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to
the riches of his grace which he lavishes upon us. (Ephesians 1:7-8 RSV)
We were adopted through the redemptive price of the life of Jesus
Christ. The barrier of our sin and guilt had been removed, utterly taken away…
For he has made known
to us in all wisdom and insight the mystery of his will, according to his
purpose which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to
unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. (Ephesians
1:9-10 RSV)
God has also taken us into his secret council and unfolded to us what he has planned to do,
what he is going to accomplish in the future: to gather all things, those in
heaven and on earth, together.
In him, according to
the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to the counsel of his
will, we who first hoped in Christ have been destined and appointed to live for
the praise of his glory. (Ephesians 1:11-12 RSV)
We have come into this state of blessedness, having been appointed to live for the praise of his glory. This appointment does not begin only when we go to heaven. In fact Paul says that we are involved with the “heavenlies” right now. These heavenlies, which occur throughout this letter and in other parts of Scripture, really refer to the realm of invisible reality, of things which are true about life in the world, in the cosmos, but which we can’t see or touch right now. And yet they are very real, and they play an important part in our lives now. Therefore, if we want to endure, if we want to live above the plodding, puny circumstances of our own present experience to the greatness of what God is doing, we must give our attention to these great thoughts —
before the foundation of the world,
· begun
even before there was an earth,
· we were designed to
reveal the greatness of God’s grace, his compassion, his tenderhearted love,
his forgiving ability, his power to restore,
· all these have been made available through the one Person who in all the
scope of history is able to accomplish what no other man could do, Jesus Christ
himself, and
· resulting
at last in the healing of all division and the breaking down of every barrier.
We all
have the tendency to think of ourselves as somewhat remote from the Church. Every
now and then someone will come to me and say, "The Church ought to do
so-and-so." Those who believe in the truth about the church will reply,
"Well, you are the Church; go to it." The fact that they are the
Church seems to strike them with a degree of amazement. Someone said to me not
long ago, "The Church ought to be more friendly." I said, "All
right, you and I are the Church, let's be more friendly."
The Church is the people within it.
Every believer is a member of the Body of Christ---the Church. We cannot
1. The invisible
reality is continually affected by our responses. We contribute to the state of
things which are true about life in the world, in the cosmos, but which we
can’t see or touch right now. 2. God’s unfolding plan, Project “Restore” involves all of us. He planned it like that so that we can grow in our understanding of His grace and mercies and incredible power.
As we mature in Christ, He needs to increase and our own agendas and plans need to decrease. We move from thinking just our personal Christian lives and experiences to thinking corporate. We begin to avail ourselves to the service of the larger community and grow to be absorbed in the successful unfolding of the plan of God in this world. An isolated Christian life is missing out on the cosmic reality that God is working out his good and perfect plan in our world. Our sense of God’s reality is compromised when we adamantly refuse participation in the body, the church.
Reflection question: Are you a part of this scheme? Are you part of this family? Have you joined the family of God through Jesus Christ our Lord?
· New Humanity: We are so aware of division within our homes, our work environment, places where people are divided into cliques and camps and nations, all against one another, with all the consequent hurt and injury and malice and hate and prejudice. God’s great movement in our lives, as individuals, and in history at large, is to heal and make whole, to bring together all things in Christ, to restore harmony once again in his universe. God is at work to remedy that. He is healing it. He has already begun. He is breaking down the barriers, removing the hate and enmity, restoring and bringing together.
The exciting thing about that, according to this letter to the Ephesians, is that it has begun already. We, the church, have felt the force of this great movement of God in breaking down barriers and healing divisions. And the more visible it is, the more the world will see God at work. That is what this letter is all about — how to allow this healing flow from the great God behind all things, through his Son Jesus Christ, to touch our individual lives and heal us of all our illness and injury.
Reflection question: Are you on the Lord’s side? You can tell whose side you are on by the effect of your life. Are you gathering, or scattering? Are you healing, or hurting? Are you bringing together, or breaking up? Pen down the names of those who’s friendship and kinship in Christ you have buried, those whose friendships you have placed on hold, frozen in time because you’ve experienced something negative? Do you believe that God is an expert in reconciliation? Would you be willing to put yourself out on a limb to initiate friendship or rekindle a broken one?
Remember what Jesus said: “All those who are with me gather, and all those who are against me scatter,” (Matthew 12:30, Luke 11:23). We are not to think safety or self-preservation, but to stick in the community, in the thick of all that misunderstanding, all that hurt… and work towards a true reconciliation, sticking around for opportunities to know the truth about someone, to imitate Jesus’ accepting love, to forgive and start again. Self-preservation often dictates our decision to move away from Church: because my children will be or not be affected in this manner, for their preservation (and we are not talking about their Christian life and journey… but the preservation of their grades etc.), for the preservation of my marketing hours, for the preservation of my easy access to my car etc.
· New Morality: The life of members must be ONE with Christ, distinct, different, whole, belonging to God and, therefore, living differently. Holy is the description in the New Testament. They are not plaster like — so beatific, so holier-than-we, so unlike ordinary human beings. God expects us to approach and respond to our difficulties and challenges in a different way. Many of us cannot stop ourselves from quibbling with the thought of having to be with others in the church in order to grow in this new morality. Why? The church is imperfect and it may be better for me, for my children, to stay away from bad company, from all these insincere hypocrites. But surprisingly, God has assigned the Church as the primary place for imbibing God’s law and learning from brothers and sisters who obey the Lord, making decisions that at times, put them in a bad spot. In the church community, nobody has arrived… the inner moral changes take place over time as we stay in the same community…don’t run away at the first sight of someone who failed in obeying the Lord. To stay, is to trust the resurrection power of the Lord which alone makes possible the new life, new goals, new motivations… until we can will ONE will i.e. Christ’s. Old Hymn: Breathe on me Breath of God
1. Breathe on
me, Breath of God,
fill me with life anew, that I may love what thou dost love, and do what thou wouldst do. |
2. Breathe on
me, Breath of God,
until my heart is pure, until with thee I will one will, to do and to endure. |
3. Breathe on
me, Breath of God,
till I am wholly thine, till all this earthly part of me glows with thy fire divine. |
Someone says, "Where? I don't see him. What's he doing? Where do you see Jesus Christ at work in our society today? What kind of work is he doing?" The answer is, "He is doing exactly what he did in the days of his flesh." The only difference is that he is no longer doing it through one solitary, earthly, physical body. He is doing it now through a corporate, complex body known as the church, which exists around the world and permeates and penetrates every level of society. But it is the same exact ministry -- to the same race, under the same conditions, facing the same attitudes and the same problems as when he was here in the flesh. Now he does it through a different kind of body. We need badly to understand that concept, for that is the church.
· New Empowerment: Yes, we can stand firm immovable when we allow ourselves to be immersed in the Holy Spirit. "You don't make a pickle by taking a cucumber and sprinkling a little vinegar over it. You immerse it." --Harold J. Seymour. It is God that will make us one with Christ, to imbibe his values, to desire his goodness.
Let me finish by a picture, which will show
you what I mean by whole-heartedness. I have seen boys bathing in a river in
the morning. One of them has just dipped his toes in the water, and he cries
out, as he shivers, "Oh, it's so cold!" Another has gone in up
to his ankles, and he also declares that it is fearfully chilly. But see!
another runs to the bank, and takes a header. He rises all in a glow. All his
blood is circulating, and he cries "Delicious! What a beautiful morning! I am all in a glow.
The water is splendid!" That is the boy for enjoying a bath!
Let’s desire to move away from jsut paddling
about in the shallows of religion, and just dipping our toes into it—we will
stand shivering in the cold air of the world which we are afraid to leave. We
must plunge into the river of life! How it would brace us! Be a Christian, out
and out. Give yourself wholly to him who bought you with his blood. Plunge into
the sacred flood by grace, and you will exclaim—
Oh, this is life! Oh, this is joy,
My God, to find thee so!
Thy face to see, thy voice to hear,
And all thy love to know."
My God, to find thee so!
Thy face to see, thy voice to hear,
And all thy love to know."
May we thus walk in newness of life!